
The Hurricane season lasts through June to November in the West Indies. Old people say March onward. August and September are the peak months. Emergency shelters nearest to home is always available to the public. Trim loose branches around your home. Remove loose garbage bins and objects. Keep your supplies in a large waterproof kit. Do not forget your checklist: have food & water for at least 3-5 days, clothes and bedding supplies, documents and keys, photo identification is all important. Keep them handy for during an emergency these may be lost , damaged or stolen. Sanitation and hygiene supplies, equipment and tools, kitchen items, prescription and non-prescription medicine, first aid supplies and pet supplies. Make a list of items in and around your yard to bring in or tie down when a tropical storm or hurricane approaches. Keep hurricane shutters working, main electrical breaker in service. Clear clogged drains and loose gutters. Keep all gas and water supply valves closed in your home. Insurance is useful to help recover from the effects of a hurricane. A portable radio. Keep a flashlight on your checklist. Canned food and fresh water is usually a forgotten item on the checklist. Do you have your emergency phone numbers? Keep a safe room. Discuss the potential hazards of an actual hurricane strike with your community members. Be sure to know your escape routes for you and your pets, also, have a safe out of range friend to call.
First aid courses and CPR information is available. A hurricane watch is given when the hurricane is possible within 36 hours. A hurricane warning is issued when a hurricane is 24 hours away and landfall is imminent. Your windows and doors should be boarded by now-stay away from them. The eye of the hurricane is the calmest and one can be deceived. The winds do come again and in the opposite direction with a large amount of wind force. Remain indoor until the hurricane warning is lifted. Help other members of the community, Report broken equipment to the authorities. Boil water for 10 - 15 minutes before consumption. Beware of outdoor structural damage. 

Be prepared to be evacuated. 
