An island is a body of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent.
Tectonically formed islands are created. Created by movements of the earths crust.
Some islands have been formed millions of years ago and some are continuously forming. #largestisland is Greenlandhttp://worldbuildingschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Island-Arc.jpg
Note that Australia is more than three (3)times as large as Greenland. Islands make up the entire land area of countries. Philippines and Japan.
Some islands are wildlife refuges and on some have millions of people living on them. Islands have definitely contributed to humans and animals moving along and living on the planet.
The island is not very big, only 200 meters in diameter and appered off the coast of Nishinoshima. In the Ring of Fire.
Islands like the Galapagos islands were formed by volcanoes that built up from the ocean floor. There are (5) five kinds of islands, the continental island, tectonically formed islands, volcanic islands, coral islands and barrier islands. The tectonically formed island like the one formed recently on the Ring of Fire, was created by movements in the earth's crust.
Volcanic islands #volcanicislands, consist of ash and lava from the build up of volcanic eruptions at the oceans floor. Oceanic volcanoes form mini islands all the time and then sinks within the same amount of time it was formed. Volcanic islands are the Aleutian Islands, Japan and Lesser Antilles from island arcs, Hawaiian Islands.
An island arc , such as in the West Indies and Japan, are narrow, curving chains of volcanic islands that form along the border of deep trenches in the ocean floor. On both arcs the oceanic volcanoes present now are still active as expected.
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